Screening Examinations

Public health insurance companies offer health check-ups for their members starting at age 35. During these checks, your medical history is noted and a physical examination is performed. Furthermore, your cholesterol and blood sugar levels are determined and a urinalysis carried out. If desired and needed, you can upgrade this basic preventative care and screening with other medically appropriate examinations – “IGeL” tests ( “individual health services”) – since only private health insurance providers reimburse regular and comprehensive preventive examinations.

1. Cancer screening
Physical examination and computer ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and the thyroid gland. Special lab tests EUR 102.57

2. Cardiovascular check-up
Physical examination and stress ECG, pulmonary function test, computer ultrasound of the heart, special lab tests (Cholesterol pack, CK, blood count, TSH, Smac) EUR 190.55

3. Stroke prevention screening
Vascular disease screening and patient history, computer ultrasound of the carotid arteries, special lab tests (Cholesterol pack) EUR 84.50

4. Comprehensive internal medicine lab services, preventative care and screening, examination and testsEURO 48.96

Additional internal or sports medicine examinations, such as diving medical check-ups, venous ultrasound, anti-aging hormones, and chiropractic therapy upon request.